Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rundown Rationele

By Andrew Kanell
12:20 p.m.

National Reaction
I started off with reaction the Republicans taking over the House. I felt like this was the most important news development of the last 12 hours, even if it's a national story, so it was worth leading with. As most people already know what happened, it was important not only to have the facts but reaction to what happened. Tim asked a Syracuse political science professor what he thought about the developments of last night.

25th District
The most newsworthy local story has to be the race for Congress in New York's 25th district. This is because that race, between Dan Maffei and Ann Marie Buerkle, is still undecided. Listeners would certainly be interested to hear if there are any new developments in this story. After an intense campaign that has lasted for months, this ending probably has many people on edge.

Local Results
There were many different elections in CNY that took place, though, and I felt like is was important to at least note some of the other election results. This fits after the 25th district story because it is about basically the same topic - CNY elections. It was a quick-hitter type of story, as I tried to contrast it with the other more in-depth stories on individual elections that we had throughout the rest of the newscast.

Sherriff Walsh
Unfortunately, Maddie was unable to get sound for this story, but it still was a good subject to tackle. It continues the local election theme, and goes beyond the sheer results of the election and actually describes the significance of the results (Walsh being the longest-serving sherriff in Onondaga County history).

Cuomo Reaction
Now the broadcast is transitioning toward a state focus as opposed to local. Andrew Cuomo will be the new governor of New York, but once again Tim got a professor's reaction, so that the story is about more than just the election results. It instead provides possible implications of the results. That is more interesting to the listener.

Patterson Deficit
This story about the economic woes brought about by the David Patterson administration flows perfectly after the previous story, which talks about what the new governor will do to fix those economic problems.

Gillibrand and Schumer
This story stays at the state level, and talks about additional important election results. It is themed with the fact that both New York incumbents maintained their senate seats. It is toward the end of the A Block because it is not as newsworthy as the governor's race or more local elections, and fits in the the statewide focus that I have in the last few stories of the A Block.

Voting Machines
The voting machines story nicely concludes an A Block that was all about the elections. Even though it's a wrap, I felt that it's not at all a breaking story, and doesn't really flow with any of the other stories, so it belongs at the end of the block.

The kicker talks about the high voter turnout in New York. It was a way of sticking with the election theme but taking a different angle than simply who won in a given election.

Tim read all the way up to tomorrow's forecast, and got us out with absolutely perfect timing.

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