Nov. 10, 2010, 5:08 p.m.
ALTMAR, OSWEGO CO. - Oswego County residents will vote today whether to dissolve a small historical village.
Two Altmar residents petitioned in August to dissolve Altmar Village into the the town of Albion, Margaret Bailey, the village clerk said. The two residents, unnamed, claim that merging the village with the town will save the village residents money.
"I don't agree with it," Bailey said. "We're not going to save money, and that was one of things they told people - that your tax dollars would go away and you'd save them - but you won't, because there's still things here that have to be paid for."
If the village of Altmar is dissolved, its residents will no longer have to pay village tax dollars, Bailey said. But they will have to pay Albion town taxes, which would be allocated to multiple districts including:
- Albion's streetlighting district
- sidewalk district
- fire district
"If you dissolve the village, then you're in the hands of of the Town Board," Bailey said. "The services that we're used to, like street lights and sidewalks, would be levied on our town taxes!"
The polls for the vote will be open until 9 p.m. tonight, Bailey said. Bailey and the Altmar board members hope enough village residents will vote to keep the village's 134 years of history alive.
"I don't see any reason to get rid of a historical village," Bailey said. "It's a nice little village, and we'd like to keep it that way."
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