Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Syracuse school district faces $50 million dollar budget gap

by Kimberly Caruba (NCC News)

Nov. 17, 2010, 7:25 p.m.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The Syracuse school district is facing a possible $50 million budget gap for the next school year that could result in eliminating 750 jobs.

Who to blame

Vice President of the Board of Education, Patricia Brady, said that a decrease in state funding is not the only reason for the gap.

"We had an increase of 400 children this year, and the state did not reimburse us for the increase of enrollment," Brady said.

Joining forces

Brady said that they are hoping to form a coalition with the city and county so they can go to the state with the problem. The board is also looking at ways to become more efficient and for other sources of revenue.

"About 80 percent of our budget is positions, so we will be looking at everything," Brady said.

Members of the coalition include:

The board cut 450 jobs last year to balance this year's budget.

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