Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Team 1 Rundown Rationale

By: Kimberly Caruba (NCC News)

October 13, 2010, 11:36 a.m.

Chilean miners rescued
Our lead story was was about the rescue of the Chilean miners. Since it was a story attracting national attention, involving the rescue of 33 miners that had been trapped underground for 69 days, I felt that it was the most important, interesting, and timely story as the first rescue happened late last night. I had Chet Davis do it as an anchor actuality since it was so important.

Don't ask don't tell injunction
Our second story was a reader about a federal judge's injunction of "Don't ask, don't tell." With the recent deaths of gay teenagers, gay rights are a heated topic of discussion. In addition, it has a political aspect as Obama campaigned about ending "Don't ask, don't tell." It was timely because the ruling took place yesterday night, and was a good transition from a world wide story to a national story.
Onondaga Budget
Our third piece was an overview of the Onondaga County budget. The budget was approved late last night and will affect many residents. This story was timely, important to readers and was a good transition from a national story to a local one. The story was a recorded wrap by Lauren Fabrizi.
Oswego plan for the future
Next we aired a story about the town meeting taking place today in Oswego, where residents can make suggestions for improvements to the city. The plan was to stick to a local story, and this story went along well with the previous story as it involved community improvement, potential budgets and change. I made this the local anchor actuality story by Chet Davis.
DioGuardi ties to fraud
Our next story was a reader about claims by federal regulators that Joe DioGuardi, the Republican challenging the current Democratic Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, had ties to bussinesses accused of defrauding investors of millions of dollars. The battle between Republicans and Democrats is getting increasingly heated, with Democrats expecting to lose seats. I felt that including politics in the show was important and that this story was a good transition from local to state.
Paladino's apology
The story was a reader about Republican gubernatorial candidate, Carl Paladino's apology for the homosexual remarks he made this weekend. The idea was to stick with politics and the controversy going on in the races. I also felt it was news worthy because the topic of his controversial comments was about gays, which we touched on in our second story.
Syracuse School District's plan B
The following story was a voicer done by Ethan Kwassman about the Syracuse School district looking into their "Plan B," which involves moving children out of an elementary school next year. The remodel of schools and consequent closing of schools has been in the news in Syracuse for awhile now, and since this story involved the removal of over one-thousand students temporarily, I felt that it was an important story. The story was a voicer and was a good way to break up the two previous readers. I felt that it was also a good way to bring the news back to a local level.
Crime walk
Our last story before the break was a reader about a crime walk that was taking place in Syracuse today in support of victims of child abuse. It was a quick story that could be dropped if need be, but I also liked it because it was taking place later today. It staid with the local theme, and was in a way tied to the previous story because it was one of improvement and growth.
Sergent's remembrance
Our kicker was a reader about a funeral service that is being held tomorrow for a well known Onondaga County Sergent. He did a lot of work with the K-9 unit, and worked for the County for 32 years. I felt that it was a nice story of remembrance, and that it was nice that it was taking place in the future so listeners could attend if they wanted.
The weather was a look at today, tonight, tomorrow and the weekend, including a look at the conditions currently. We ended up using all of our weather in the newscast.
And that was the end of our show!

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