Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World AIDS Day's Final Central New York Vigil

The Central New York HIV Care Network held its final vigil for World Aids Day today.
The organization will run out of funding as of December 31st. This is due to the overall reduction in state support which will go towards servicing uninsured victims of HIV/AIDS.

The state Health department has already cut about $2 million in funds to be used for the care and treatment of the victims.

The network’s coordinator, Stephen Waldron, feels that this is for the greater good of the victims and it takes precedence in spite of the prospect for the group.

"We have sent out proposals to various foundations for monetary help, but in reality the results are not great and we might cease to exist at the end of this month."

The vigil took place at 5:00 pm this evening at the University United Methodist Church on Genesee Street. In spite of the weather, Waldron says that they will still continue to spread awareness for those around.
"The weather might not be the best but we'll move it into the church's hall and take time out to remember the lives lost and how to press on in spite of it"
This network has made awareness through:

  • Syracuse University Campus efforts
  • Campus ministries
  • Local churches
  • Social Media
  • Hospitals and Clinics

With over 3,500 suffering with the disease in the Central New York area, Waldron emphasizes that we are all affected by this epidemic and we should try to be advocates for change.

"AIDS affects everyone; indirectly, directly, whether you are paying taxes for someone's medical bills or whether you lost a loved one or even if you have it yourself and should try to help each other get through this process."

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